TrainSignal: CWNA Certified Wireless Network Administrator Training PW0-104 Read NFO DVD-DeBT | 2.9Gb
Learn Wireless Networking, Administration and Security by Watching an Expert Instructor Configure a Real Live Network!
Avoid 1-2 Years of Trial & Error and Learn Wireless Networking As You Prepare for and Pass the CWNA PW0-104 Exam!
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Click here for My Online Training FAQ
“Am I Qualified To Take This CWNA – Certified Wireless Network Administrator Training Course?”
YES! The CWNA certification is a foundation level wireless LAN certification. This course is an excellent training tool for beginners with a basic understanding of networking and wireless networking veterans alike.
“Do I need any special equipment to complete this training course?”
NO All you need is a computer with Internet Explorer and a media player; however, working hands-on with wireless networking hardware may enhance your training experience.
“Is this course part of a certification track?”
YES! This is the only CWNA Video Training Course authorized by the Certified Wireless Network Professional (CWNP) organization; the creators of the PW0-104 certification exam. With that in mind, this course will help prepare you for the PW0-104 Wireless LAN Administration exam.
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The HELL release of TrainSignal.CWNA.Certified.Wireless.Network.Administrator.PW0-104.DISC.1-HELL appears to be incorrectly labeled. I think it may be either be a general CWNA training (Calls itself a fast-track wireless training) or perhaps training for the PW0-100.
A few key differences:
Instructor for the HELL release is David Davis
Instructor for our release is Ed Liberman
The web site lists Ed Liberman as the instructor for PW0-104
The course outline for HELLs release is completely different from what is listed on the web site, with no POE (video
Ours matches exactly.
Even though the HELL release is not the PW0-104 I do not believe that it has been released previously. I do not believe either release should be nuked.
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