Exam-Pack 642-444: Cisco CCVP – CIPT: Cisco IP Telephony and Administering Cisco CallManager
English | Trainer: Jeremy Cioara
Genre: eLearning
With the growth of VoIP — especially Cisco VoIP — organizations of all sizes will need skilled IT pros who can install and manage these solutions. By learning these skills now, you can ride the wave all the way to the top.
In this series, you’ll learn from the best — Jeremy Cioara. We get comment after comment about how good Jeremy is at breaking down a tough concept like VoIP into easy to understand — and, more importantly, easy to apply — nuggets of how-to information.
When you’re ready to prove your skills, you can also be confident because this series maps to exam objectives for Cisco’s 642-444: CIPT exam, one of five for the highly-valuable CCVP certification.
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