
Aug 4, 2012

Authentic Man Program Dvds: The Power of Presence I

Authentic Man Program Dvds: The Power of Presence I
En | 2.5 GB
Learn the practice that will have women stop their conversations and turn to welcome you as you approach, without you saying a word.

Learn why men who do specific physical practices are better able to approach radiant, gorgeous women. (We’ll show you these practices, so you can do the same)Ever had a difficult time getting a second date with a woman you really liked? Chances are you didn’t take THIS aspect of her experience into ***. Discover what has women eager to see you again.

How to “gift” a woman with such a depth of Presence, even for a moment, that will have the most “short attention span party girls” remembering you for the rest of the night. A way to authentically handle “screwing up” that actually has her feel MORE trust, connection and attraction for you.

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