Windows Workflow Tutorial: Introduction to Sequential Workflows with Ken Getz
Genre; eLearning
Windows Workflow Foundation (WF), originally introduced as part of the .NET Framework 3.0 with extensions for Visual Studio 2005’s designers, has continued to be enhanced for the .NET Framework 3.5 and Visual Studio 2008. WF makes it possible, and for many workflow scenarios, even easy to create robust, manageable workflow-based applications. WF is actually many things: It’s a programming model, and runtime engine, and a set of tools that help you create workflow-enabled applications hosted by Windows. (For more information on WF, drop by the portal site).
In this series of tutorials, you’ll work through several different examples, showing off various important features of WF, and the corresponding tools and techniques using Visual Studio 2008. Because workflows generally deal with specific business-oriented processes, and these tutorials can’t begin to emulate your specific processes, you’ll find that the specific examples shown here tend to focus on either scenarios that you can control in order to demonstrate the specific workflow features (such as working with files in the file system), or they focus on business processes with “holes” left for your imagination to insert real-world behaviors.
This first tutorial introduces the basics of creating Workflow applications, using a console application as the workflow’s host. Along the way, you’ll investigate the various workflow-focused templates that Visual Studio 2008 provides, and you’ll learn what happens when you create and run a workflow application. You’ll try out a few of the many different workflow activities, as well. (These tutorials assume that you have Visual Studio 2008 installed, along with the .NET Framework 3.5. You can choose to work in either Visual Basic or C#–the steps listed here call out specific differences between the languages, when necessary.
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