
Jul 26, 2012

TekPub – The Art of Speaking with Scott Hanselman (2011)

TekPub – The Art of Speaking with Scott Hanselman (2011)
English | Duration: 1h 23m | H264 | 852×480 | 25fps 570kbps | MP3 44100Hz 128kbps Stereo | 734MB
Genre: eLearning

In this special production we put notable speaker, Scott Hanselman, to the test: learn CoffeeScript in 90 minutes, then present a 15 minute talk. We sit live with Scott as he probes the CoffeeScript documentation and designs his talk, walking us through his slide design process and code demos. Along the way we do what we do: to throw curveballs and see how he handles the pressure.
From Scott

It all started in high school with Musical Theatre. Then it continued when I was teaching as an Adjunct Professor at a State University. I like talking to people. Now I’ve been doing it for over 20 years (25 if you count “My Fair Lady”).
While I’ve had an opportunity to share some tips and tricks for speaking over the years on my blog, I’ve never really felt the information was organized. I’ve presented on presenting, but never assembled a class. I’ve written many posts on the subject, but never created an e-book.
Then Rob came to me with the idea of a 1 hour video where he asks me to speak on an unfamiliar topic, I research and build the talk, then present on the spot. All filmed, all real, all legit. It was too good an idea to pass up. We did it.
I’m sincerely thrilled to share the results with you today. A lot of hard work, hours of thought, more hours of editing, and a little TekPub magic later and we can happily bring you “The Art of Speaking with Scott Hanselman.”
Perhaps you’ve given speeches at work and are considering a local user group. Maybe you’ve spoken at code camps and want to go national or international. Or, perhaps you’d just like to be more comfortable talking to the folks at your office and presenting to the boss.
Rob and I feel that this one hour documentary style video is a great introduction into the minds of a technical speaker with not only experience, but passion for the topic.
I hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed making it.