Apache Animation CD-ViH AVI
En | ISO | 702 MB
You can view the final AVI from the link below to see what you can achieve from this tutorial.
But weather its an Apache or a stealth bomber then this tutorial shows you so much more and will help you understand so many different techniques that you will need throughout your time as an animator.
Here`s a what the tutorial covers:
- Setting up animation preferences
- Rigging the rotors using custom attributes, expressions and deformers
- Rigging rest of the chopper
- Animating the chopper using motion path and hand keying
- Using playblast
- Creating and animating hand-held camera using hand keying, custom attributes and expressions
- Lighting the scene using (HDR) image based lighting
- Rendering with Mental Ray and final gathering
- Creating an environment for the animation
- Rendering ground shadow pass
- Projecting ground texture
- Adding mountains to the background
- Creating cg sky using envSky
- Baking animations
- Render layers
- Saving motion information and post motion blurring
- Compositing with Digital Fusion
- Color corrections
- Z-Depth effects (fog, dof)
- Overview on how to use sprite particles
- Adding heat distortion and exhaust smoke
Download – Apache Animation.rar.htm
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