Lynda: Flex 2 Beyond the Basics CD – David Gassner -ViH | ISO | 666 MB
In Flex 2 Beyond the Basics, instructor David Gassner helps users take Flex 2 to the next level by demonstrating how to create custom, multimedia-rich, data-driven applications.
He covers everything from debugging and tracing code to designing sophisticated menu systems to working with application servers (such as ColdFusion MX 7 and ASP.NET). Flex 2 Beyond the Basics offers step-by-step instruction for building professional, seamless applications to increase productivity. Exercise files accompany the tutorial videos. It is recommended that subscribers new to Adobe Flex 2 first view Flex 2 Essential Training in the
Online Training LibraryO.
03.Advanced Event Programming
04.Tree Controls
05.Menu Systems
06.Popup Dialogs
07.Visual Effects
08.Working with ColdFusion
09.User Authentication
10.Client-Side Data Handling
11.Data Presentation
12.Working with .NET
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