
Jul 29, 2012

LiveLesson : Java Fundamentals I & II Video Training – Paul Deitel

LiveLesson : Java Fundamentals I & II Video Training – Paul Deitel
English | Duration: 14h | H264 | 1024×768 | 10fps 160kbps | AAC 44.1KHz | 920 MB

Genre: eLearning
Java Fundamentals I and II will show you everything you need to know to start building robust, powerful software with Java SE.
This collection provides 14+ hours and $2,000 (USD) worth of expert Java training!
Your instructor, Paul Deitel, has personally taught Java at organizations ranging from IBM to Sun Microsystems to NASA. With the powerful videos included in thisLiveLesson, you???ll learn at your own pace as Deitel guides you through Java’s fundamentals, object-oriented programming, and event-driven programming.

Deitel???s signature ???live-code??? approach shows you the correct ways to use Java, right from the start. And you???ll learn in the best possible way: through complete, working programs containing thousands of lines of fully tested Java program code. After mastering the basics–classes, objects, methods, and much more–you???ll move on to master professional-quality techniques, from inheritance and polymorphism to exception handling and user interface development.
What You Will Learn
Features of Java Standard Edition (Java SE) 6.
To build, compile and run applications with the Java Development Kit (JDK), as well as the popular Eclipse and Netbeans integrated development environments (IDEs).
How the Java virtual machine (JVM) makes Java applications portable.
To use the classes and interfaces in the Java Applications Programming Interface (API) and to use the Java online documentation to locate the features you need in the Java API.
To use formatted input and output capabilities.
Arithmetic, increment, decrement, assignment, relational, equality and logical operators.
Control statements.
Primitive types and their corresponding Java API classes.
Methods, method overloading and methods with variable-length argument lists.
Arrays and strings, and how they are manipulated as Java objects.
Object-oriented programming concepts including classes, objects, encapsulation, interfaces, inheritance, polymorphism, abstract classes and abstract methods.
To use and create your own static methods and static variables.
To package your own classes to create reusable class libraries.
The fundamentals of event-driven graphical user interface (GUI) programming and Swing GUI components including windows, buttons, labels, comboboxes, text fields and panels.
To use exception handling to make your programs more robust.
The classes, interfaces and algorithms of the Java Collections Framework (Java???s data structures and algorithms for manipulating them).
Java Fundamentals: Part 1 (40 examples)
Lesson 1, Introduction to Java Applications, introduces Java application programming. You???ll learn formatted input and output capabilities, and how to compile and run Java applications using an IDE and using the JDK command-line tools. You???ll also begin using the packages of reusable classes in the Java class libraries.
Lesson 2, Introduction to Classes and Objects, introduces object-oriented programming principles and constructs, and begins our case study on developing a GradeBook class that instructors can use to maintain student test scores. This case study is enhanced over the next several lessons, culminating with the versions presented in Lesson 6, Arrays. The last example in this lesson uses a bank account class to introduce data validation concepts. In this lesson, you???ll learn what classes, objects, methods and instance variables are; how to declare a class and use it to create an object; how to declare methods in a class to implement the class???s behaviors; how to declare instance variables in a class to implement the class???s attributes; how to call an object???s methods to make them perform their tasks; the differences between instance variables of a class and local variables of a method; to use a constructor to ensure that an object???s data is initialized when the object is created; and the differences between primitive and reference types.
Lesson 3, Control Statements: Part 1, continues enhancing the GradeBook case study with additional functionality. You???ll learn Java???s if, if…else and while control statements, and the increment and decrement operators.
Lesson 4, Control Statements: Part 2, introduces Java???s for and do…while repetition statements, and the switch multiple-selection statement. A portion of this lesson expands the GradeBook class presented in Lessons 2-3 by using a switch statement to count the number of A, B, C, D, and F grade equivalents in a set of numeric grades entered by the user.
Lesson 5, Methods: A Deeper Look, discusses other details of method definitions. You???ll also learn about static methods and fields of a class; Java???s eight primitive types and the implicit type promotion rules between them; some common packages in Java; random number generation; how to create and use named constants; the scope of identifiers; and what method overloading is and how to create overloaded methods.
Lesson 6, Arrays, introduces Java???s implementation arrays. You???ll learn how to declare, initialize and manipulate arrays; to iterate through arrays with the enhanced for statement; to pass arrays to methods; to declare and manipulate multidimensional arrays; to create methods with variable-length argument lists; and to read a program???s command-line arguments. We???ll also enhance the GradeBook case study using arrays to maintain a set of grades in memory and analyze student grades from multiple exams in a semester.
Lesson 7, Classes and Objects: A Deeper Look, takes a deeper look at building classes, controlling access to class members and creating constructors. The examples teach encapsulation and data hiding; composition; how to use keyword this to refer to an object???s members; how to create static variables and methods; how to import static class members; how to use the enum type to create sets of named constants that can be initialized with arguments; and how to organize classes into your own packages for reusability.
Java Fundamentals: Part 2 (29 examples)
Lesson 1, Object-Oriented Programming: Inheritance, discusses the object-oriented programming (OOP) concept of inheritance???a form of software reuse in which a new class absorbs an existing class???s members and embellishes them with new or modified capabilities. You???ll learn how inheritance promotes software reusability; the notions of superclasses and subclasses; to use keyword extends to create a class that inherits from another class; to use access modifier protected to give subclass methods access to superclass members; to access superclass members with keyword
More info:


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