
Mar 9, 2012

Weed Biology & Climate Change – W.P

Weed Biology & Climate Change – W.P
Wi y-Blac well | 2011 | ISBN: 0813814170 | 248 pages | PDF | 13.96 MB

Weeds have posed significant problems for civilization since the inception of agriculture.
Although rising levels of carbon dioxide and climate disruptions can affect fundamental aspects of global biology, little is known regarding weed science.
Weed Biology and Climate Change provides a unique and timely synthesis of research on current and potential biological climate-induced changes with a specific focus on the impacts and management of weedy and invasive plants.
Weed Biology and Climate Change opens with separate overviews of both weed biology and climate change. Subsequent chapters look at the impacts of climatic change on basic and applied aspects of weed biology. Chapters cover key topics ranging from climate-related impacts on weed growth and reproduction to weed management, invasive species, ecosystem functioning, and food security and how these practices will need to adapt in the face of a changing climate.

Written by two experts in the field, Weed Biology and Climate Change is the first book to provide a thorough analysis of climatic change impacts specific to weed science. This book will be an essential resource for weed scientists, global change biologists, ecologists, and crop scientists in the classroom and the field.
Key features:
Timely synthesis of climate change research and its impacts in regard to basic and applied aspects of weed biology
Chapters look at such applied issues as weed management, ecosystem maintenance, and food security
Provides summary of current status and looks at future implications of increased atmospheric carbon dioxide on weedy and invasive plants
“Dr. Ziska is among the world’s leading scientists regarding research on invasive weeds and climate change.”
—Hilda Diaz-Soltero, USDA Senior Invasive Species Coordinator.

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