Foundations of Marketing, 3rd Edition – William M. Pride, O. C. Ferrell
S…h-W…ern Co…ge P.. | 2008-01-03 | ISBN: 0618973370 | 592 pages | PDF | 17,3 MB
Foundations of Marketing offers a concise, straightforward approach to basic marketing concepts and strategies, while providing instructors with the flexibility to integrate supplemental resources or activities into their courses.
Providing comprehensive coverage in a consolidated format, Pride and Ferrell highlight topics in ethics, e-marketing, and customer relationship management while incorporating up-to-date research and examples throughout.
In addition to a well-respected, distinguished author team, authoritative coverage, and comprehensive yet consolidated coverage, the Third Edition includes new advertisements, photos, and screen shots throughout the text; GlobalEdge features that pose questions about marketing in a global context and encourage online exploration; and Opening Vignettes that feature engaging companies intended to spark student interest. Foundations of Marketing Online, 3/e, is a multimedia eBook created to meet the needs of interactive learners. The eBook contains the same material as the printed text but is priced at nearly half the standard retail price of the paperback. The six-month eBook passkey subscription includes access to all the online and premium online content available with CL MarketingSPACE.
Mirror For Japan, EU, UAE, China, Au, Ru, SA, Brazil and Sing…
Mirror For Japan, EU, UAE, China, Au, Ru, SA, Brazil and Sing… of Marketing, 3rd Edition.rar