
Mar 27, 2012

E-Learning – Engineering, On-Job Training & Interactive Teaching

E-Learning – Engineering, On-Job Training & Interactive Teaching
InTeO | 2012 | ISBN: 9535102830 9789535102830 | 248 pages | PDF | 14 MB

This book provides information on the On-Job Training and Interactive Teaching for E-learning.
Adaptive E-learning was proposed to be suitable for students with unique profiles, particular interests, and from different domains of knowledge, so profiles may consider specific goals of the students, as well as different preferences, knowledge level, learning style, rendering psychological profile, and more. Another approach to be taken into account today is the self-directed learning.

The book is divided into four sections.
The first section covers motivations to be considered for E-learning while the second section presents challenges concerning E-learning in areas like Engineering, Medical education and Biological Studies.
New approaches to E-learning are introduced in the third ection, and the last section describes the implementation of E-learning Environments.
Part 1 Motivations for the Online Learning
1 Courseware Adaptation to Learning Styles and Knowledge Level
2 Assisted On Job Training
3 Self-Directed Learning Readiness Factors in Physicians for Implementing E-Learning in the Continuing Medical Education Programs
4 Learning Performance and Satisfaction on Working Education
5 Facts and Fiction: Lessons from Research on Faculty Motivators and Incentives to Teach Online
Part 2 E-Learning for Engineering, Medical Education and Biological Education
6 E-Learning in Mechatronic Systems Supported by Virtual Experimentation
7 The Use of Mathematical Formulae in an E-Learning Environment
8 E-Learning Usage During Chemical Engineering Courses
9 Interactive WhiteBoard: Effective Interactive Teaching Strategy Designs for Biology Teaching
10 Medical Education for YouTube Generation
Part 3 New Approaches
11 Personalized Learning in Hypermedia Environments
12 A New Scientific Formulation of Tajweed Rules for E-Learning of Quran Phonological Rules
Part 4 Implementation of E-Learning Environments
13 A New Management Role – A Precondition for Successful E-Learning Implementations


Mirror For Japan, EU, UAE, China, Au, Ru, SA, Brazil and Sing…

Mirror For Japan, EU, UAE, China, Au, Ru, SA, Brazil and Sing… – Engineering, On-Job Training and Interactive Teaching.rar