VTCtraining: QuickStart Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended
Video: avc1 MPEG4 (H264) .MP4 | 2hours | Resolution: 800×600 | Audio: mp4a AAC 44100Hz
eLearning | 193 MB
Professional illustrator, television animation art director, and writer Dwayne Ferguson gives you a quick tour of Photoshop CS5 Extended in this VTC QuickStart! course.
He’ll show you the exciting new tools and features of both the Standard and Extended versions. Learn how to apply HDR effects to standard definition images with HDR Toning. Create, light, and render 3D objects with the Repousse Tool. Manipulate images with the Puppet Warp Tool.
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http://ul.to/w3xlpaw5/sevno.org_VC QuickStart Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended.rar