
Sep 28, 2011

Abs of Stone – Core of Steel – Unleash Your Perfect Midsection DVD Tutorial

Abs of Stone – Core of Steel – Unleash Your Perfect Midsection DVD Tutorial
English | 2010 | AVI | 800MB

The True Great Ab/Core Workout, is designed to provide a training stimulus to every single muscle in the body’s midsection and core. The upper, middle and lower abs – the love handles – the obliques – the lower and mid back areas (avoiding these will not only prevent you from ever getting killer abs, but can lead to serious injury – this happens EVERY DAY to people who try to exercise without proper guidance).

Workout DOES NOT rely on big expensive machines or silly gadgets. It DOES rely on the body itself, its natural movement patterns and how the muscles of the body work in relation to GRAVITY. This means The Ideal Ab/Core Workout can be done anywhere, anytime! L

Level 1 – Beginners Workout AND Warm up for Intermediate & Advanced Users
This DVD includes 13 exercises, each with at least 2 -3 variations for various beginner levels (over 30 total exercise variations),
all targeting the entire abdominal area, the lower & mid back and ALL layers of the CORE. (Also includes a Pre & Post workout 8 minute Core Stretch Routine)

Level 2 – Intermediate Training Program
This DVD includes 16 exercises, (with 11 additional variations – all targeting the same areas as above, but at a higher intensity.) (Also included are between set, transition stretches.) I also introduce you to 2 of the lowest cost, most effective ab/core devices that you can find for between $8 and $35 (or free in your neighbors garage!) – no big machine can ever do what these little gems can do for you.

Level 3 – Advanced Training Program
This DVD includes 17 exercises (& 2 extra variations), with 5 additional High Intensity Ab/Core variations (Medicine Ball & Incline Bench required for these Bonus Exercises) -(24 exercises total) all targeting the same areas as above, at the highest – but SAFEST intensity.

